Home » All Scales & Modes in the 1st Position All Scales & Modes in the 1st Position 6 Likes 350 Views Share: TwitterFacebookLinkedinTelegram Lydian Scale 1st PositionLydian is the first brightest major Scale. It has a #4 in it. Major/Ionian Scale 1st PositionMajor or Ionian scale is the second brightest major scale. Mixolydian Scale 1st PositionMixolydian is the 3rd bright scale. It has a b7 in it and that makes it les bright than Lydian and Ionian scalesDorian Scale 1st PositionDorian is the minor Scale. It has a b3 and a b7 in it. Natural minor/Aeolian Scale 1st PositionNatural Minor Scale or Aeolian Mode is the second minor scale which has b3, b6 and b7 in it. Phrygian Scale 1st PositionPhrygian Mode is the third minor scale which has b2, b3, b6,and b7 in it.Locrian Scale 1st PositionLocrian is the last or 7th mode which has a b2, b3, b5, b6 a b7 in it. Major Pentatonic Scale 1st PositionMajor Pentatonic Scale is a 5 note scale and it’s missing 4th and 7th scale degrees. Minor Pentatonic Scale 1st PositionMinor Pentatonic Scale is a 5 note scale which is missing 2nd and 6th scale degrees.More Scales will be added here soon… Related Lessons 3 566 Chords with Scales & Arpeggios 0 339 Who Invented Guitar? 3 701 Ebeneezer 5 328 2nd Major Scale Position and its chords